General Terms of Use

In general, the User agrees to comply with these terms and conditions of use and always act in accordance with the law, good customs, and the requirements of good faith, using the diligence appropriate to the nature of the product and/or service they are enjoying, and refraining from using this website in any way that may hinder, damage, or impair its normal functioning, the assets or rights of the owner, other Users, or, in general, any third party.

The User must adequately safeguard the "Username" and "Password" provided to them as identification and enabling elements for access, undertaking not to transfer their use or allow third-party access to them, assuming responsibility for any damages and losses that may arise from their improper use.

The owners of the site may, at any time and without prior notice, modify these General Conditions, as well as any Specific Conditions that may be included, by publishing such modifications on the website so that they may be known by Users.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The structure, design, and presentation form of the elements available on this website (graphics, images, photographs, samples, and materials appearing therein, industrial technologies, files, logos, color combinations, and any element capable of protection) are protected by intellectual property rights, owned by Aulavirtualmusica S.L.

Reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public, and, in general, any other form of exploitation, in whole or in part, of the elements referred to in the previous section is prohibited. Their publication on other websites or in other digital or written media requires the express consent of the website owner and, in any case, must explicitly reference the ownership of the aforementioned intellectual property rights of Aulavirtualmusica S.L.

The use of distinctive signs (trademarks, trade names) is not allowed without the express authorization of the legitimate owners.

Unless expressly authorized by Aulavirtualmusica S.L., linking to "end pages," "frames," and any similar manipulation is not permitted. Links should always be to the main page or homepage of the website.

Disclaimer of Liability

The owner of this site shall not be liable for:

  • In general, the improper use of its website. Users must make appropriate use of it, in accordance with the aforementioned conditions and terms, and the owner shall have no responsibility for misuse.
  • Possible technical deficiencies. The owner shall not be responsible, under any circumstances, for disruptions in the service caused by failures in the power grid, data connection network, server, or any other services.
  • Regarding third-party access to its system, necessary technical precautions will be taken to protect the accessed data and information, but the owner shall not be liable for the actions of third parties that, by circumventing the established security measures, gain access to said data.

General Data Protection Registration

Data of the person responsible for the treatment:

Identity: AULAVIRTUALMUSICA S.L. - NIF: B98911720

Postal address: AVENIDA 9 DE OCTUBRE, 82A-DESPACHO 3

Telephone: 685694006 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

At AULAVIRTUALMUSICA S.L. We process the information you provide us in order to provide you with the requested service and perform your billing or registration. The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations and address possible responsibilities that may arise from fulfilling the purpose for which the data was collected.

The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. You have the right to obtain information about whether AULAVIRTUALMUSICA S.L. We are processing your personal data, so you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of data and opposition and limitation to its processing before AULAVIRTUALMUSICA S.L., AVENIDA 9 DE OCTUBRE, 82A-DESPACHO 3 or at the primary email address @, sufficiently identifying yourself in your request by electronic means or, failing that, by means of a duly signed request. However, if the data controller has reasonable doubts regarding the identity of the natural person making the request, he or she may request that additional information be provided necessary to confirm his or her identity. Likewise, and especially if you consider that you have not obtained full satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you may file a claim with the national control authority by contacting the Spanish Data Protection Agency, C/ Jorge Juan, 6 – 28001 for these purposes. Madrid.