Our work philosophy is based on the interaction with other teachers.

We consider essential the role of the teacher in music schools or conservatories.

Aulavirtualmusica is not, nor will it be available for private users.


Teacher Community



Exchange of teaching experiences



Ideas and proposals for improvement



Annual meeting



Personal assistance



Individual management in each center


Teacher Community

Since 2014, when began to be used in the Musical Society of Canet de Berenguer, in Valencia, many teachers have participated in the improvements of the platform, not only collaborating with their splendid ideas and advice, but even providing their own material for the use by other teachers.

Exchange of teaching experiences    

One of the objectives of aulavirtualmusica is to create a large community of teachers of music education, where all participants can exchange content, news, ideas, “crazy things" ... And always trying to improve music education.

That is the philosophy of aulavirtualmusica.

Annual meeting

Every September, aulavirtualmusica organizes a meeting in Canet de Berenguer, Valencia, to which all the teachers who are using our teaching method are invited.

The objective, besides presenting the novelties for the next course, is to create a forum for discussing about new methodologies, resources, opinions, etc.

Thanks to all the members of our community, aulavirtualmusica is growing day by day, becoming a living method that never stops feeding on new ideas.

Individualized management    

Each educational center can customize our method and adapt it to its needs. When the users log in the platform, the logo of the center they belong to appears, as well as a personal area with the tasks that their teacher has assigned them.


The pedagogical content has been programmed, studied and tested by our teaching team


The students work with the different musical figures and their possible combinations, which are presented progressively in the successive units. For this, they practice with exercises based on body percussion, laterality and polyrhythm, always with the help of an audio reference and with varied musical tracks that facilitate the internalization of the sense of internal pulsation.


The students must identify and write the different rhythms heard in the interactive module of the virtual platform. With this we intend that students mentally internalize rhythmic figures already practiced in each unit.


The platform develops, randomly, rhythmic combinations defined by the teacher, that complement the work done and let space for improvisation, both individually and in groups.



SIt is organized in small blocks divided into twenty units per course..


In each unit there is anexplanatory and dynamic video, produced by, with which the student can review the concepts that the teacher has already taught in class.


Each unit has, among its contents, a quiz about its theory block, in which the students must answer some questions that help the teacher to follow the learning progress of each of them; so that it is possible to know which theoretical concepts the students know best and in which of them they need more reinforcement. These quizzes are fun and nice in design for students. Throughout the course there are also super-quizzes that, as an overall evaluation, will allow us to keep students learning under review.

In the teacher can follow the progress of the whole class at any time.


Mainly in the last courses, the virtual platform adds to all this theoretical material a series of games that reinforce what students are learning. Can you imagine learning the keys with card games or compound times with a platform game? That is


In the book, students will find some pages dedicated to the written resolution of theory exercises, as well as a space where they can practice musical calligraphy.



The platform includes a module for reading notes in different keys with adjustable speed, to improve reading agility.


Three lessons per unit, in which progressively students are introduced into the practice of intervals, rhythmic figures, etc. All the lessons are original compositions, and with accompaniments that allow students to know most of the musical styles and provide knowledge about the different elements of harmony.

It is possible to choose the key of each lesson (G-clef, F-clef 4th line and C-clef 3rd line) from the first course, so that all students can practice in the key of the instrument they are learning to play. All the lessons have a "turtle mode" that allows each of them to work at the speed that they desire, and finally perform them "at tempo" with the proposed accompaniment.


The platform has a specific and progressive intonation module, included in each unit. The students can sing and the platform corrects them in real time. Thus, the teacher can follow the progression of their students, since the program informs both of the exercises carried out.




As a final part of the process of learning musical language, method proposes several types of exercises:

    • Dictations to fill, in which the student must recognize the notes and their durations and write them into the book.


    • Dictations on the platform, in which the teacher can select the revision exercises that are necessary for the student, combining the notes that he/she needs to practise.


    • Dictation games, psychopedagogically assisted, to develop musical ear and musical understanding in a playful way.



Aulavirtualmusica offers a different game in each unit:Platformers, card games, agility or skill games, tennis, etc.

All the games are original and have been developed by cwith psychopedagogical advice,  and totally focused on learning the musical language in a playful way. Students can compete with themselves, with others in their class and also, in some games, with students of other schools.


Designed for use in the classroom, they allow up to twelve users . to connect at the same time. Can you imagine learning the intervals this way? That is



To know the chords, the parts, the applied intervals and the tonal functions. Inventing melodies was never as easy as it is with the analysis module. It includes videos and practical exercises.


To know the instruments, composers, musical styles and the different elements of the score. It contains recordings, videos and activities that mix playing and learning.


Dictation of chords, scales and basic exercises for two voices.


The platform includes a series of resources for teachers ,Currently, we have:

  • Staff template for use in interactive digital whiteboards or touch panels.
  • Random generator of rhythms in simple and compound times.
  • Random generator of sequences of notes in different keys to practice reading skills.
  • Real-time intonation exercises programmable by the teacher.